My task for this project at Emburse Captio was to seamlessly integrate Google Maps into our B2B travel and expenses app. The objective? Simplify the mileage expense creation process. Now, users can effortlessly input destinations, letting our system autonomously calculate distances. The result is a user-centric solution that not only meets but exceeds our goal, significantly boosting efficiency and accuracy in expense management.
Design Solution
With the new solution, users can now generate a mileage expense in just two clicks. Offering a clear visualization of both origin and destinations, the system adds convenience by enabling users to easily convert their route into a roundtrip with just one click. Even during multiple short journeys within the same city, users retain the option to manually create mileage expenses, providing flexibility alongside streamlined efficiency.
Home page with all created expenses
Home page with all created expenses
Creation dial with the three types of expenses
Creation dial with the three types of expenses
Mileage expense detail
Mileage expense detail
Route creation page
Route creation page
Auto fill location browser
Auto fill location browser
Route creation page filled
Route creation page filled
Route creation page filled and detail of the generated map
Route creation page filled and detail of the generated map
We managed to create a great impact with this feature. The new feature "Routes" got a noteworthy 37% adoption rate. On the other hand, the revelation of the roundtrip capability, unveiled through research, proved to be a game-changer, embraced by a staggering 70% of users when creating mileage expenses.
✨ New feature "Routes": 37% adoption rate
✨ Roundtrip capability: 70% adoption rate

My process kicked off with a thorough analysis of competitor solutions, uncovering insights like the Roundtrip capability. Establishing a clear big picture through information architecture, I then presented diverse solutions via wireframes to collaborate with PM and engineers. Upon alignment on a direction, I transitioned to final visuals, subjecting the solution to user testing—successfully validating the Roundtrip concept. Iterative refinement with the team ensued, culminating in a comprehensive project handoff inclusive of user flows and pixel-perfect specifications.
Information architecture
Information architecture
Final solution
Final solution
Thank you for reading! 💙

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